Over the years, I have studied meditation techniques as well as theory, and have come across a lot of great information that I am compelled to share. In this blog post, I wanted to provide an overview of “Meditation Basics” in a boiled down, no nonsense format. WHAT: According to the Oxford Language Dictionary, to […]

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Over the years, I have studied meditation techniques as well as theory, and have come across a lot of great information that I am compelled to share. In this blog post, I wanted to provide an overview of “Meditation Basics” in a boiled down, no nonsense format. WHAT: According to the Oxford Language Dictionary, to […]

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The word Ayurveda means “the science of life” and is composed of the Sanskrit root words: Ayu/Ayus which means life + Veda which means science or wisdom. Health is more than simply the absence of illness. Ayurveda considers health a state of wholeness and balance between the body and mind. Ayurveda treats illness by addressing […]

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While you are meditating, there are a number of experiences you can have, and none of them are wrong. Remember that the goal is not perfection; it is learning the discipline to accept every experience as it comes, no matter what the session brings, and sticking with it. Distractions. When you meditate, you will likely […]

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This is the question I hear above all else. Concerns about whether they are “doing it right” is the most common reason that beginners stop meditating and, unfortunately, miss out on the multitude of benefits associated with a consistent meditation practice. This inspired me to address some of the more common misconceptions I’ve heard regarding […]

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Because people often question whether they are meditating correctly, they often doubt that it is making an impact in their daily lives. The presumed “quality” of your meditation experiences day to day is not an accurate gauge of whether your meditation practice is working. As long as you are meditating once a day for 30 […]

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Meet Alicia

NewBornVision was born with the goal of creating self-awareness, personal growth, and ultimately healing on the personal and societal levels. My hope is to make the world a better place, one mind at a time.

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